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World Intellectual Property Organization

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations, which is engaged in policy-making, strengthening cooperation, as well as providing services and information in the field of intellectual property. WIPO was established at a diplomatic conference in 1893. At present, 193 states are members of World Intellectual Property Organization. Mr. Daren Tang (Singapore) takes position of the Director-General of WIPO.

The governing bodies are the General Assembly, the Conference and the Coordination Committee. WIPO performs the administrative functions of twenty-six treaties (seventeen in the field of industrial property, eight on copyrights and a Convention establishing WIPO).

WIPO performs activities aimed to improve the protection of intellectual property worldwide and to harmonize national legislation of member states to international laws and regulations in the field of intellectual property. WIPO performs the administrative functions of the Paris and Berne Unions, provides for technical and legal assistance in the field of intellectual property. The Organization collects and disseminates information, conducts researches, ensures the activities on facilitating international protection of intellectual property.

The Republic of Belarus became a member of WIPO on April 26, 1970. Belarus is a member to 18 multilateral international conventions in the field of intellectual property, operating under the auspices of WIPO.

The main areas of cooperation between Belarus and WIPO are the following:

— improvement of national legislation in the field of intellectual property, taking into account the experience and best practices of other countries;

— strengthening the role of intellectual property in the areas of scientific, technical and economic activities carried out in Belarus;

— improvement of the law enforcement policies in Belarus with a view to prevent, detect and suppress offenses in the field of intellectual property;

— increasing the scientific and technical expertise of the management of the National Center of Intellectual Property.

On June 3-5, 2019 Director General of WIPO Dr. F.Gurry paid an official visit to Belarus. On June 5, 2019 a new Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and WIPO.

On October 1, 2019 the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the National Center of Intellectual Property of Belarus and WIPO on the procedure for alternative resolution of disputes in the field of intellectual property. 

On April 19, 2021 within the framework of a working visit to the Swiss Confederation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Vladimir Makei, handed over to the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Daren Tang, an instrument of Belarus joining the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs.

On October 10, 2016 during the 56th series of meetings of the WIPO Assemblies NCIP and the WIPO signed the Agreement on the Establishment of Technology and Innovation Support Centers. The first Center was established at the Republican Scientific and Technical Library of Belarus.

WIPO provides the Belarusian side with technical assistance to improve the skills of experts in the field of intellectual property, including through thematic seminars and round tables.

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